Monday, March 29, 2010

A PR indeed!

Just wanted to update everyone! I completed my first race of the year, a 5k in Pittsburgh. The course was great and the event was very well organized! I love good events!

I finished the race in 29:27, officially, and was 16 out of 54 in my age group. This is a PR for me. My last 5k was 13 weeks after having the babe and I finished in 34 minutes. It's really awesome to see how far I've come since then. This was my friend's first race and we finished at the same time. I'm so proud of her! You can see pictures and read more on my personal blog!

I would like to run another 5k this year and aim for a 26 minute race. I've been doing a lot of speed training and I would love to see the fruits of my labor :) After this race, I decided I much prefer races with a little distance. A 5k is what I run on easy days, so it's just not as much of a challenge. Good to learn!

I'm running a 10k this weekend. One last running party before we hit the road and move to Edmond. Oh, I'm now just two (2!!!) pounds away from my pre-baby weight. So far, so good.

How is everyone else?! Anyone still in this?!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


So I had a little 10 day hiatus from working out and eating right and I'm BACK! It sounds like many of you went through a tough spot as well. That's OK, we just need to get on the right track again! On Sunday I started phase 2. Phase one included more weight training (4 days/week), and more limited running. The diet during phase 1 was better than before, but not super strict. Phase 2 will be much more strict with the diet and my half marathon training schedule has begun. I did my first tempo (almost race pace) workout yesterday and it was incredible. It didn't hurt that the weather was amazing (Sadly I suffer from SAD) ...

On that note, I had an idea the other day. I think we can all agree that it's easier to work out with other people, so I decided to implement something I like to call "Monday Runday" Every Monday at a certain time (I'm thinking 5:30), we will all meet at a designated location (I'm thinking Coopers Rock). We don't all have to be doing the same workout because obviously people have different goals, but it'll be nice just to have the encouragement of others! Even if it's just coming out for a brisk walk...

Would anyone be up for that? Sorry to the non-Morgantowners!

Saturday, March 6, 2010

So I was inservice this week and ate pretty badly plus the only workout was a 1.5 mile run which I did in 10:50... plus 30 pushups and 30 sit I am gonna hit it hard starting's everyone else doing?

One week to go...

Well, here I am one week away from my goal date. Right smack in the middle of a huge life change and transition. Physically, I'm in Oklahoma looking for houses. Mentally, I'm all over the place. Spiritually, I live for and trust a very faithful, sovereign God. And I feel good because I just ate a bagel from Panera and a banana (although, I'm exhausted!).

I digress. My goal was to be down to 135 by B's first birthday and it doesn't seem that I'm going to get there. However! I am at 138 and just bought a pair of size 6 (holla!) jeans at GAP. Plus, I'm way more toned than before B came along.

I'm happy with where I am right now. I have increased my running time significantly and can run a 9:31 mile easily. Just for measure, I finished my 1/2 marathon at a 10:54 pace. I am lifting a lot better and have grown in my weight. I can do overhead presses and bicep curls with at least 20 pound weights. Plus, I can leg press 155 well. I'm really proud of the progress I've made over the last three months! All my pushing and sweating and knowing I can do more has been paying off!

One thing I'm LOVING about maturing and growing up is that I'm constantly more confident in myself and I'm always learning how to be flexible. I love that I don't worry so much about the numbers, but more about how my jeans fit. I love that my hair may be fussy and out of control, but I can make it work. I think I am decreasing in maintenance - in a good a growing up way :) Patrick is pleased with this, I'm sure! (not that I was ever too high maintenance before!)

So, there is a much needed update from me! My first race is March 27th. I'm running this race with a friend, so I won't be aiming for a PR here. And from there, all my races will be in OK!