Tuesday, March 9, 2010


So I had a little 10 day hiatus from working out and eating right and I'm BACK! It sounds like many of you went through a tough spot as well. That's OK, we just need to get on the right track again! On Sunday I started phase 2. Phase one included more weight training (4 days/week), and more limited running. The diet during phase 1 was better than before, but not super strict. Phase 2 will be much more strict with the diet and my half marathon training schedule has begun. I did my first tempo (almost race pace) workout yesterday and it was incredible. It didn't hurt that the weather was amazing (Sadly I suffer from SAD) ...

On that note, I had an idea the other day. I think we can all agree that it's easier to work out with other people, so I decided to implement something I like to call "Monday Runday" Every Monday at a certain time (I'm thinking 5:30), we will all meet at a designated location (I'm thinking Coopers Rock). We don't all have to be doing the same workout because obviously people have different goals, but it'll be nice just to have the encouragement of others! Even if it's just coming out for a brisk walk...

Would anyone be up for that? Sorry to the non-Morgantowners!


  1. I'll be there tomorrow at 5:30 sharp. See you there. ;)

  2. i would love to run on mondays but unfortunately i usually don't get done until late...at least while i'm on labor and delivery....we'll see if that changes in the next couple weeks
