Thursday, February 18, 2010

Metabolism has left the building!

I've done good keeping to a steady work out schedule and I feel much better to be back in the gym. However, my big "downer" is that I have no idea how to get rid of this ridiculous "ring-o-fat" I've accumlated around my midsection. I've been eating much better, but I've noticed that when I really reduce my portions and such, I feel very drained in between meals. The converse of that, is that I feel full or bloated just about always (even when I'm actually hungry) -- that makes a ton of sense now doesn't it. Basically, my conclusion is that in the last 2 years of my life, my metabolism has shut off. I have none. I lost some quick weight when getting back in the gym, but I've lost none as of late, but more important than the numbers is that I still look like a swollen toad :(

So, what the heck can I do to spark it up and begin to shred some fat off of me. If it means eating like a bird, then count me out (I'd rather be pudgy). Food and the joy of eating time and that atmosphere with friends and family is very important to me. However, I do want to continue to "improve" my eating habits. I'm looking more for workout-based forms of fat burning.

Bring on some ideas!

Seacrest out.

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