Friday, July 2, 2010

Final Results!!!

I know this adventure lost a lot of steam for many of you, but I really wanted to finish what I started. So, here is the recap for how Sarah and I did.

We had our second bodpod measurement a couple weeks ago, and we were both happy overall.

Sarah's goal was 17.5, and she hit 18.8 (although her skinfold was around 16.5!).

My goal was 9.5, and I got 9.6 :-/ I really wish it would have said 9.5. I would have much preferred to have reached the goal, but I was happy.

We both "crammed" pretty hard at the end, making up for our trip to France where we literally ate gelato and crepes for many meals.

So, my overall feelings on McFatties 2010 were great! I hope everyone got something out of it. I personally can't exercise without a goal in mind, so this helped a ton. That brings me to my next point - drum roll please.........

McFatties 2010.2 !!!!!

I have already determined my goals - here they are:

1. to run in Warrior Dash in october and finish in under 22 minutes. Keep in mind, I will probably be wearing a ridiculous costume.

2. to get down to 7.5% body fat by then

anyone else in!?!?!?!?

Monday, June 14, 2010

Almost time!

Hey everyone!
So I guess I'm the only one who posts on here anymore... oh well - maybe someone out there is reading this. :-)

We only have 5 days until the "deadline", and I personally don't know if I am going to reach the second half of my goal. If you recall, my original goal was to run a half marathon in under 1:45, which I did last weekend!! I'm glad that torture is over, but I still have my other goal to reach. My body fat percentage in January was 13.3%, and I set a goal to be at 9.5% by this weekend.

Sarah and I will be going on Friday to have the test again, and I've been trying to eat very healthy for the past few weeks. I think it's going to be close!!!

Goal reached or not, I have definitely achieved a higher level of fitness than I had in January. I really hope everyone can say the same thing. There is a point where exercise can be consuming, but in moderation and with a small amount of discipline, a very healthy fitness level can be attained.

I will post the results on Friday when we get done with the testing.

Who is coming in this weekend for the boat day??? Please post back!!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Long run today/boat day

Hey guys,
I'm planning on doing 11 miles today, and I'm a little nervous about doing such a long run so close to my race (in 10 days). I know I need to taper some next week. What do you guys think?

you still out there Cook?

Also, who all is planning on going out on the lake the weekend of the 19th? As it turns out, I have an endo party to go to at 530 on Saturday. (Way to go Spencer and Gavin!) Should we do the boat day on Sunday, or earlier on Saturday?

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

an update

As Kent alluded to, my goal of losing weight has not been going the greatest. This challenge has actually brought up a lot of issues for me that I thought I laid to rest a long time ago. I've found that having a goal that is focused on weight loss has caused some body image issues to resurface for me and honestly, it's been a really tough struggle both mentally and spiritually. It has caused me to question my self worth and value (which I know don't come from physical appearance, but sometimes that's easier said than internalized). I've made huge strides as far as the consistency of my workouts and increasing my strength and endurance and yet I felt like I was accomplishing nothing because the number on the scale wasn't budging. I've found that the times I've been able to lose weight were the times I've "given up" and quit caring about the scale. So for better or worse, I'm giving up the weight loss goal for my mental and spiritual health. My ultimate goal is to run a half marathon in November but my short term goal for June is to be able to run a 10K (not the actual race but that distance), which is farther than I've run in over 6 months. Hope everyone is doing better than I have been! Any updates (good or bad) from anyone else out there??

1 more month!

Hey all,
Only a month and a day until the current McFatties challenge ends! I, personally, am very unsure if I'm going to reach my goal. The trip to France was horrible for the diet and for the training. My half marathon is in 16 days and unprepared is an understatement.
I have been running alot since I got back, but it might be too little too late. We will see!! I'm still going to race and give it my all!
As some of you know, I've been trying hard to monitor my diet as well. It was one of the hardest things I've ever done in my life to turn down the awesome dessert that Tiffany made the other day. That was all my favorite desserts wrapped into one incredible package!

How are all you non-blogging people doing??? I was talking to Tara the other day, and if it seems like your goal is unreachable - start a new one! What kind of changes would you like to see in one month?? maybe just to work out consistently, or to run a race of some sort?

Monday, April 12, 2010

Monday Runday!

Hey everyone!
Just a reminder about Monday Runday today.... (ps - it doesn't have to be "Run" day - it can be walkday, or crawlday, or playwiththedogday)
We are going to meet up at Cooper's rock (the first parking lot) at 5:15 ish.

BTW - how is everyone doing? Jeff, Noah, and I did a duathlon last Saturday and I realized that I have a LONG way to go before being in race shape. I don't think it helped having only biked once in the last 6 months either. Oh well, live and learn :-)

Hope to see you all tonight!

Monday, March 29, 2010

A PR indeed!

Just wanted to update everyone! I completed my first race of the year, a 5k in Pittsburgh. The course was great and the event was very well organized! I love good events!

I finished the race in 29:27, officially, and was 16 out of 54 in my age group. This is a PR for me. My last 5k was 13 weeks after having the babe and I finished in 34 minutes. It's really awesome to see how far I've come since then. This was my friend's first race and we finished at the same time. I'm so proud of her! You can see pictures and read more on my personal blog!

I would like to run another 5k this year and aim for a 26 minute race. I've been doing a lot of speed training and I would love to see the fruits of my labor :) After this race, I decided I much prefer races with a little distance. A 5k is what I run on easy days, so it's just not as much of a challenge. Good to learn!

I'm running a 10k this weekend. One last running party before we hit the road and move to Edmond. Oh, I'm now just two (2!!!) pounds away from my pre-baby weight. So far, so good.

How is everyone else?! Anyone still in this?!