Thursday, January 28, 2010

Hang in there...make it to week 9!

Well, there's been a few posts lately of frustrations and some "negative" results. Hang in there...the average "New Year's Gym Resolution" fizzles out after the 8th week of the new year, so hang it there and make it to week 9! Statistics show at that point -- you are in for the long haul. I thought I'd post some encouragement. I, on the other hand, have done well. I eat much better, although not good yet ...but much better. My main improvements have been in portion control and switching out my snacks to healthy alternatives (mainly fruits) ...oh and the one that hurts is I drink very little soda now (I LOVE soda). I haven't missed a scheduled work out since we began on the 4th (5:00 am Mon-Fri) and have even managed in a couple weekend work outs too. I also do 3 specialized workouts a week in home at night (The Sparticus Workout). Sooo...I'm actually over the back in the gym woes, and getting back into lifting form and back to an old comfort level. Of course my weights are still way off after a full 18 month hiatus and I still look like a turd, but my form is back and I'm noticing significant gains -- so I at least have confidence slowly creaping back.

The cardio remains a struggle, and always will. I hate it - always have. Many have life goals, or even challenge goals of certain running times and events. Not my cup of tea -- I would honestly rather have 1/2 my pinkie cut off than be forced to run any portion of a marathon. I just hate to run - even at the most fit times in my life, I hated to run. If I have to do it -- I prefer to run in 65 ft increments (for those that know me well, they know that's the distance between bases in all major softball associations), any more than that and I don't like it. point is, I've remained faithful to do cardio at each workout, in some form or another. So for me, that's a big win.

While not hugely significant, I have dropped an even, and steady 6 pounds in this initial 3 and 1/2 weeks. I'm pleased with that. Long ways to go of course, but my goal is an optimal body fat %, not a weight. So I'm more interested in "weight transfer" as I like to call it, rather than pure weight loss. I currently weigh 230lb, I began at 236lb (all my old college roomies say *gasp!*). Yes it's true...that is my picture in the upper right corner of this blogs home page. ;)

My biggest struggle will come in April, as that's when our second child and wonderful daughter is due. With a 2 year old, and a newborn...that 4:30 am alarm is going to be very mean! But, that' what led to me stopping working out the first round and I'm bound to maintain that same workout schedule this time. I will NOT give up my evenings with my kids, so it's 5:00 or nothing.

So hang in there, make it to week 9 and don't be one of those dreaded "New Year's Resolution workout people." 5 1/2 more weeks to go...then you graduate to a "Regular."

I'm out like a fat kid in dodgeball.

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