Tuesday, January 12, 2010

What a bust!

I've been at this for a week and 2 days now and I'm still fat! What a bust! I should be fit by now, right? LOL

I have made some major discoveries in the last 4 to 5 years of my life though, in regards to health, fitness, and physique.
1. After the age of 26, none of the 3 items listed above will retain itself...it takes work.
2. In the lifting world, the progress that takes you 3 years of intensive, painful, and literal back breaking work to gain, can be completely lost in 3 months. 3 years vs. 3 months -- It's a losing propostion.
3. Running sucks after you've gained weight ...seriously, I'm going to start wearing my wifes pregnancy belt to keep my "float ring" from bouncing so bad! :)
4. ...and finally, even with all above stated truths, there is an extremely gratifying level of satisfaction at the end of each workout.

There has been no trash talking as of late, so again, I feel it's my obligation to do so.
GOC...you my friend, are a machine. You listed 3+ hours of workouts for a single day! I never cease to be amazed. I didn't see you do 3 total hours of homework in your entire college career! you have all the skills necessary to be a ninja, save one -- you are too loud to be a ninja, your enemies will surely hear you coming.

It should be understood for those that don't know...I (being totally not fit), just trash talked to the MOST fit person of this grouping :) , on a fitness blog...only because he can handle it. Love ya Buddy, and I'm proud of you! ;) I expect something good in return for this bit of "trashing."

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