Friday, July 2, 2010

Final Results!!!

I know this adventure lost a lot of steam for many of you, but I really wanted to finish what I started. So, here is the recap for how Sarah and I did.

We had our second bodpod measurement a couple weeks ago, and we were both happy overall.

Sarah's goal was 17.5, and she hit 18.8 (although her skinfold was around 16.5!).

My goal was 9.5, and I got 9.6 :-/ I really wish it would have said 9.5. I would have much preferred to have reached the goal, but I was happy.

We both "crammed" pretty hard at the end, making up for our trip to France where we literally ate gelato and crepes for many meals.

So, my overall feelings on McFatties 2010 were great! I hope everyone got something out of it. I personally can't exercise without a goal in mind, so this helped a ton. That brings me to my next point - drum roll please.........

McFatties 2010.2 !!!!!

I have already determined my goals - here they are:

1. to run in Warrior Dash in october and finish in under 22 minutes. Keep in mind, I will probably be wearing a ridiculous costume.

2. to get down to 7.5% body fat by then

anyone else in!?!?!?!?

Monday, June 14, 2010

Almost time!

Hey everyone!
So I guess I'm the only one who posts on here anymore... oh well - maybe someone out there is reading this. :-)

We only have 5 days until the "deadline", and I personally don't know if I am going to reach the second half of my goal. If you recall, my original goal was to run a half marathon in under 1:45, which I did last weekend!! I'm glad that torture is over, but I still have my other goal to reach. My body fat percentage in January was 13.3%, and I set a goal to be at 9.5% by this weekend.

Sarah and I will be going on Friday to have the test again, and I've been trying to eat very healthy for the past few weeks. I think it's going to be close!!!

Goal reached or not, I have definitely achieved a higher level of fitness than I had in January. I really hope everyone can say the same thing. There is a point where exercise can be consuming, but in moderation and with a small amount of discipline, a very healthy fitness level can be attained.

I will post the results on Friday when we get done with the testing.

Who is coming in this weekend for the boat day??? Please post back!!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Long run today/boat day

Hey guys,
I'm planning on doing 11 miles today, and I'm a little nervous about doing such a long run so close to my race (in 10 days). I know I need to taper some next week. What do you guys think?

you still out there Cook?

Also, who all is planning on going out on the lake the weekend of the 19th? As it turns out, I have an endo party to go to at 530 on Saturday. (Way to go Spencer and Gavin!) Should we do the boat day on Sunday, or earlier on Saturday?

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

an update

As Kent alluded to, my goal of losing weight has not been going the greatest. This challenge has actually brought up a lot of issues for me that I thought I laid to rest a long time ago. I've found that having a goal that is focused on weight loss has caused some body image issues to resurface for me and honestly, it's been a really tough struggle both mentally and spiritually. It has caused me to question my self worth and value (which I know don't come from physical appearance, but sometimes that's easier said than internalized). I've made huge strides as far as the consistency of my workouts and increasing my strength and endurance and yet I felt like I was accomplishing nothing because the number on the scale wasn't budging. I've found that the times I've been able to lose weight were the times I've "given up" and quit caring about the scale. So for better or worse, I'm giving up the weight loss goal for my mental and spiritual health. My ultimate goal is to run a half marathon in November but my short term goal for June is to be able to run a 10K (not the actual race but that distance), which is farther than I've run in over 6 months. Hope everyone is doing better than I have been! Any updates (good or bad) from anyone else out there??

1 more month!

Hey all,
Only a month and a day until the current McFatties challenge ends! I, personally, am very unsure if I'm going to reach my goal. The trip to France was horrible for the diet and for the training. My half marathon is in 16 days and unprepared is an understatement.
I have been running alot since I got back, but it might be too little too late. We will see!! I'm still going to race and give it my all!
As some of you know, I've been trying hard to monitor my diet as well. It was one of the hardest things I've ever done in my life to turn down the awesome dessert that Tiffany made the other day. That was all my favorite desserts wrapped into one incredible package!

How are all you non-blogging people doing??? I was talking to Tara the other day, and if it seems like your goal is unreachable - start a new one! What kind of changes would you like to see in one month?? maybe just to work out consistently, or to run a race of some sort?

Monday, April 12, 2010

Monday Runday!

Hey everyone!
Just a reminder about Monday Runday today.... (ps - it doesn't have to be "Run" day - it can be walkday, or crawlday, or playwiththedogday)
We are going to meet up at Cooper's rock (the first parking lot) at 5:15 ish.

BTW - how is everyone doing? Jeff, Noah, and I did a duathlon last Saturday and I realized that I have a LONG way to go before being in race shape. I don't think it helped having only biked once in the last 6 months either. Oh well, live and learn :-)

Hope to see you all tonight!

Monday, March 29, 2010

A PR indeed!

Just wanted to update everyone! I completed my first race of the year, a 5k in Pittsburgh. The course was great and the event was very well organized! I love good events!

I finished the race in 29:27, officially, and was 16 out of 54 in my age group. This is a PR for me. My last 5k was 13 weeks after having the babe and I finished in 34 minutes. It's really awesome to see how far I've come since then. This was my friend's first race and we finished at the same time. I'm so proud of her! You can see pictures and read more on my personal blog!

I would like to run another 5k this year and aim for a 26 minute race. I've been doing a lot of speed training and I would love to see the fruits of my labor :) After this race, I decided I much prefer races with a little distance. A 5k is what I run on easy days, so it's just not as much of a challenge. Good to learn!

I'm running a 10k this weekend. One last running party before we hit the road and move to Edmond. Oh, I'm now just two (2!!!) pounds away from my pre-baby weight. So far, so good.

How is everyone else?! Anyone still in this?!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


So I had a little 10 day hiatus from working out and eating right and I'm BACK! It sounds like many of you went through a tough spot as well. That's OK, we just need to get on the right track again! On Sunday I started phase 2. Phase one included more weight training (4 days/week), and more limited running. The diet during phase 1 was better than before, but not super strict. Phase 2 will be much more strict with the diet and my half marathon training schedule has begun. I did my first tempo (almost race pace) workout yesterday and it was incredible. It didn't hurt that the weather was amazing (Sadly I suffer from SAD) ...

On that note, I had an idea the other day. I think we can all agree that it's easier to work out with other people, so I decided to implement something I like to call "Monday Runday" Every Monday at a certain time (I'm thinking 5:30), we will all meet at a designated location (I'm thinking Coopers Rock). We don't all have to be doing the same workout because obviously people have different goals, but it'll be nice just to have the encouragement of others! Even if it's just coming out for a brisk walk...

Would anyone be up for that? Sorry to the non-Morgantowners!

Saturday, March 6, 2010

So I was inservice this week and ate pretty badly plus the only workout was a 1.5 mile run which I did in 10:50... plus 30 pushups and 30 sit I am gonna hit it hard starting's everyone else doing?

One week to go...

Well, here I am one week away from my goal date. Right smack in the middle of a huge life change and transition. Physically, I'm in Oklahoma looking for houses. Mentally, I'm all over the place. Spiritually, I live for and trust a very faithful, sovereign God. And I feel good because I just ate a bagel from Panera and a banana (although, I'm exhausted!).

I digress. My goal was to be down to 135 by B's first birthday and it doesn't seem that I'm going to get there. However! I am at 138 and just bought a pair of size 6 (holla!) jeans at GAP. Plus, I'm way more toned than before B came along.

I'm happy with where I am right now. I have increased my running time significantly and can run a 9:31 mile easily. Just for measure, I finished my 1/2 marathon at a 10:54 pace. I am lifting a lot better and have grown in my weight. I can do overhead presses and bicep curls with at least 20 pound weights. Plus, I can leg press 155 well. I'm really proud of the progress I've made over the last three months! All my pushing and sweating and knowing I can do more has been paying off!

One thing I'm LOVING about maturing and growing up is that I'm constantly more confident in myself and I'm always learning how to be flexible. I love that I don't worry so much about the numbers, but more about how my jeans fit. I love that my hair may be fussy and out of control, but I can make it work. I think I am decreasing in maintenance - in a good a growing up way :) Patrick is pleased with this, I'm sure! (not that I was ever too high maintenance before!)

So, there is a much needed update from me! My first race is March 27th. I'm running this race with a friend, so I won't be aiming for a PR here. And from there, all my races will be in OK!

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Snowed In

I have made it to the gym 1 time during all of these blizzards. I have lost 5 lbs miraculously. But there is still more to go. That five lbs must have been stabilizing the rest of the fat. Now I feel like a Jello Jiggler. Great motivation to continue. I am so ready for spring! What are you guys doing to stay in shape during the blizzard? Please don't tell me shoveling snow. Any new recipes?

Friday, February 26, 2010

Anybody here?

Has everyone "checked out?"

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Metabolism has left the building!

I've done good keeping to a steady work out schedule and I feel much better to be back in the gym. However, my big "downer" is that I have no idea how to get rid of this ridiculous "ring-o-fat" I've accumlated around my midsection. I've been eating much better, but I've noticed that when I really reduce my portions and such, I feel very drained in between meals. The converse of that, is that I feel full or bloated just about always (even when I'm actually hungry) -- that makes a ton of sense now doesn't it. Basically, my conclusion is that in the last 2 years of my life, my metabolism has shut off. I have none. I lost some quick weight when getting back in the gym, but I've lost none as of late, but more important than the numbers is that I still look like a swollen toad :(

So, what the heck can I do to spark it up and begin to shred some fat off of me. If it means eating like a bird, then count me out (I'd rather be pudgy). Food and the joy of eating time and that atmosphere with friends and family is very important to me. However, I do want to continue to "improve" my eating habits. I'm looking more for workout-based forms of fat burning.

Bring on some ideas!

Seacrest out.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

heathly, fast and delicious?

If you guys are like me, you are often busy and don't have time to cook a nutritious, delicious meal so I thought I would post some reviews of healthy frozen meals I try....feel free to do the same :)

Healthy Choice Chicken Pad Thai: Just tried this one tonight and I have to say I wasn't impressed. It wasn't great but it was edible. I would give it a 5/10. Definitely doesn't compare to real pad thai.

Morningstar Farms Veggie Burgers: Love them! Just stick them in the microwave, stick them on a bun (preferably whole wheat) and you have a delicious healthy burger. When it gets warmer you can also throw them on the grill but since I can't even see our grill right now under the pile of snow that might have to wait a while.

I will post more as I try them!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Update for month 2

I have improved my 5k by 19 seconds and inreased my bench press by 25#!!! WOOTY WOOT WOOT!!!! It will only continue to get harder as you get closer to your goals so stay motivated! Ya'll can do it! PS- I had peanut butter M & M's today and oreo pudding after dinner tonight- oops :)

Sunday, February 7, 2010

in survival mode

Basically, my exercising and eating haven't been stellar lately. I am actually doing okay nutritionally with a few exceptions, but just haven't had the time to work out much recently. Between spending 13ish hours at the hospital every day (12 on a good day) and being on call twice in the last 4 days I haven't had a ton of workout time. I've basically been in survival mode, just trying to make it through the days. However, I've been working out when I can and that's the best I can do for now. I did shovel snow for an hour and a half yesterday after my workout so that was a little bonus calorie burn. On the upside, I am down about 4 lbs. so I am happy with that progress....just 8 more to go! Keep it up guys and remember that this is a long-term change not a short-term fix so there's sure to be ups and downs but we've just got to roll with them and as Tony Horton would say "do your best and forget the rest." ;)
Kent, I was at Outback on Thursday night too. I must have sneaked past you.

But seriously, my workout and diet have been subpar the past few weeks. I have been fighting the fevers again, and that wears me out. So I eat crap and don't exercise much. I need to get back on the fitness wagon. Yesterday, I trudged through the snow to visit my dad. Today, I should grab the shovel and start digging out. I would much rather do ballet, but the snow isn't going anywhere on its own.

I reached one of my goals. I lost a clothing size. Yeah me! I am not done yet.

Keep your chins up and fight the good fight. Don't let the fat beat you!

Friday, February 5, 2010

Recon mission

Last night I happened to come across two fellow McFatties members at Outback. I tried to talk them out of it, but they wouldn't listen! (I didn't eat the healthiest either though haha)

How's everyone doing lately? I started a journal this week, and it is really helping me stay motivated. You guys should consider it too!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Back in the saddle!!

So as I started week 5...really only week 4 of working ankle still hurt but i played basketball on Tuesday and the ankle hurt but I could play. I ran today for a couple miles and lifted this afternoon before work. My weight went up to 190 for the beginning of the week but I'm hopeful it will drop in the next couple of weeks as I amp up my cardio. So excited for the next couple of weeks and hoping the weather gets better so i can run outside some!!! keep on keeping on!!!!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Late Addition

Hey Gang!

Sorry its been soo long for me to get in on this. I've been working on stuff I just haven't sat down to write it out ;)

So my number one goal is to look smoking hot in my wedding dress come may 29th :) woo woo!

For me its not really a number goal to achieve...its more the look.

My goals are to firm up my arms, abs, and thighs.

I'm trying to achieve this by changing my diet and workout.

So far things have been going well. Joey and I are working out in the mornings 4 days a week...which is quite the improvement for me since I haven't been in a gym in quite a while. I play soccer 2 times a week so I'm getting my cardio that way. Also... as far as diet goes I'm doing better but still need some work. The main accomplishment is that I've been eating breakfast consistently lately. After joe and I work out, we have a paleo breakfast together.

So far that is my update.... more to come I'm sure.... well hopefully...took me a while to figure out how to post ;) haha

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Hang in there...make it to week 9!

Well, there's been a few posts lately of frustrations and some "negative" results. Hang in there...the average "New Year's Gym Resolution" fizzles out after the 8th week of the new year, so hang it there and make it to week 9! Statistics show at that point -- you are in for the long haul. I thought I'd post some encouragement. I, on the other hand, have done well. I eat much better, although not good yet ...but much better. My main improvements have been in portion control and switching out my snacks to healthy alternatives (mainly fruits) ...oh and the one that hurts is I drink very little soda now (I LOVE soda). I haven't missed a scheduled work out since we began on the 4th (5:00 am Mon-Fri) and have even managed in a couple weekend work outs too. I also do 3 specialized workouts a week in home at night (The Sparticus Workout). Sooo...I'm actually over the back in the gym woes, and getting back into lifting form and back to an old comfort level. Of course my weights are still way off after a full 18 month hiatus and I still look like a turd, but my form is back and I'm noticing significant gains -- so I at least have confidence slowly creaping back.

The cardio remains a struggle, and always will. I hate it - always have. Many have life goals, or even challenge goals of certain running times and events. Not my cup of tea -- I would honestly rather have 1/2 my pinkie cut off than be forced to run any portion of a marathon. I just hate to run - even at the most fit times in my life, I hated to run. If I have to do it -- I prefer to run in 65 ft increments (for those that know me well, they know that's the distance between bases in all major softball associations), any more than that and I don't like it. point is, I've remained faithful to do cardio at each workout, in some form or another. So for me, that's a big win.

While not hugely significant, I have dropped an even, and steady 6 pounds in this initial 3 and 1/2 weeks. I'm pleased with that. Long ways to go of course, but my goal is an optimal body fat %, not a weight. So I'm more interested in "weight transfer" as I like to call it, rather than pure weight loss. I currently weigh 230lb, I began at 236lb (all my old college roomies say *gasp!*). Yes it's true...that is my picture in the upper right corner of this blogs home page. ;)

My biggest struggle will come in April, as that's when our second child and wonderful daughter is due. With a 2 year old, and a newborn...that 4:30 am alarm is going to be very mean! But, that' what led to me stopping working out the first round and I'm bound to maintain that same workout schedule this time. I will NOT give up my evenings with my kids, so it's 5:00 or nothing.

So hang in there, make it to week 9 and don't be one of those dreaded "New Year's Resolution workout people." 5 1/2 more weeks to go...then you graduate to a "Regular."

I'm out like a fat kid in dodgeball.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

week 3 = fail

Last week did not go well for me.  Between being at the hospital until 6 or 6:30 every night and being on call, I only managed to work out one day.  I have to admit my nutrition wasn't the greatest either.  I am back on the wagon today though!  My diet has been better this week already and I worked out today even though I was tired feom being post-call.  I think the next several weeks are going to be rough for me schedule wise but I'm just going to do the best I can until I can get back on a more consistent schedule....gotta get in shape for the 2 weddings I'm going to be in this year!  Hope everyone else is doing better than I am ;)

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Its about freakin time

Hello all, finally in the McFatties. However, I have been working out and dieting. Just a quick blog to let you guys know a few goals....

1. Develop/define the girdle of apollo (if you dunno - look it up)
2. Back-squat 240 lbs
3. complete crossfit workout Cindy (over 10 times in 10 minutes - no slacking)
4. Be able to do a muscle-up

Theres 4, that I'll be crossing off hopefully!


I've hit a plateau. It's fair. I should have seen it coming, but I just kept doing what I always do. That was easier.

Over the last week or so I've been switching up my weekly routine a little. Please know that I like routine. I like knowing what I'm going to do and how I'm going to do it. But I also love trying new things and pushing myself a little harder.

I started lifting 20 pound weights instead of 15 (I'm sure that sounds super whimpy compared to all you buff guys...) and started doing a few different exercises. I did five "burpees" after my workout today and it was great! Also, I did this exercise where I am in plank position and do rows with 5 lb weights. I couldn't do anything heavier! After the first day, I could already tell it was helping.

Anyways, I haven't lost any weight for two weeks. However, when I weighed myself this morning I was down one pound!!! It may not be a lot, but it's a great step in the right direction! I'll take my measurements later and hope to see a few good results.

Anyone else finding success in small places?!


Well, the first week went great...I went from 192 to 186...then birthday week hit..surprisingly I stayed at 186 for the beginning of the third week...however, on my weekly basketball game on Tuesdays I sprained my ankle and couldn't work out the rest of the week...I find that when I workout I eat better and I when I can't work out I want to eat with hesitation I weighed my self yesterday to begin week four and only gained one pound to 187...I tried running yesterday and was supposed to get my five miles in but my ankle started hurting pretty bad after only one mile so I stopped. I did lift today and feel pretty good but know I can't play ball tonight because of my ankle...just hoping that it heals quickly so I can get back to running since my utlimate goal is a 4 hour marathon in November!!! just keep on keeping on!!! life's a garden, dig it!!!!!

My dear Bro, Kent...

Kent called me out...I'm still here. You know ... I haven't had chocolate chips and peanut butter in forever!!!! Thanks for reminding me ;)

I've remained faithful to my 4:30 am alarm and 5:00 am gym time. It's getting easier now, I'm back "in the groove" in many ways so it's not quite so embarassing walking around in there. The weight lifting has come back pretty easily, but I still hate cardio of any kind. My philosophy is that if I'm neither chasing or being chased - I see no point in running. LOL

Oh, bridal selections. I remember those days. Word of advice to you my brother--there is NOTHING about this wedding that is YOUR decision, so embrace that fact and enjoy it. Women have an amazing way of tricking you into believing that some of the decisions are yours...but really they are not. I'm positive they use subliminal messaging and any other means necessary. I realized in my wedding process that weddings are entirely for women, the bride and the mother...the reception is for the men. No offense intended ladies -- it's nature. So Kent...let Sarah make this the best day of her life - she deserves it - you just remember to show up on time ;)

Back to the issue at hand -- my eating habits. I have drastically changed them as a result of this effort. However, I despise not eating what and when I want. I love food. I enjoy everything from the flavors to feeling of utter immobility after a good buffet. So, some of you health nuts give me some ideas on healthy eating. If anyone mentions tofu, bean sprouts, or any other tasteless commodities -- I will quit. Give me some real ideas of tasteful food, that won't cause immediate weight gain. The BBQ Chicken pizza someone gave earlier -- that was GREAT!!!! I loved it and would enjoy eating that any time, regardless of health concerns. It was just good. So come on now peeps...give me some ideas of GOOD, healthier foods. I refuse to eat packing peanuts and lemon water forever.

That's all for now -- I'm off like a prom dress.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Where are all the lurkers!?!?

Hey McFatties Challengers!!!

How's everyone doing? Cook, haven't heard any smack in a while....what's up? are you too busy eating peanut butter and chocolate chips?? hahaha

Seriously though, now is when it gets hard. The nostalgia and the hype of the first few weeks has worn off. The weather sucks. Life gets in the way.

As a good track friend of mine always used to say "it's not the days that it's easy to workout that makes a champion, it's the days that you don't want to go in, but you still do."

I've had a decent week so far, although the bridal show yesterday set me back with all the cake samples!!!

How's everyone else doing? any new goals? anyone else wanna share their goals that hasn't??

Monday, January 18, 2010

Here for the party!!!

So Kent told me there was going to be a party this Summer so that's mainly why I joined! Jk Jk. I really don't have any goals per say, but if I must... I want to continue my quest to perform as many dangerous acts of strength in the gym, it breaks up the monotony of working out. Also by Summer I'd like to get my body fat down to about 4% or so.

Saturday, January 16, 2010


Another week of ballet, stretch and walking. MTWF. I need to spend more time at home, I have been eating out quite a bit, but making healthy choices none the less. Still, I want to make the Teriyaki Tofu Stirfry. Maybe tomorrow.

This week my rib cage reappeared, long time no see. I am loving my abs! And I discovered that my feet are shrinking. Pretty soon the only shoes I will be wearing are childrens. I guess I am TRULY losing insulation everywhere.

Friday, January 15, 2010

My nose!

Man! Kent busted me with the nose joke. Now Kent, you know that is one of the fittest parts of my body. If I cut it off, my current body fat % would increase at least 2 points. Plus...that would be like losing a pinkie toe balance would be all screwed up then!!!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Sound off Roll Call

Nicknames are cool, but who is everybody on here (kinda so I know when people talk trash who I should bash back haha)

Checkin In

Ok So Yesterday I did legs back and bi's and yoga twice... BJJ was awesome im starting my mma career... I will start ninja 4 today should be fun... Hmm so here is what i have learned... "Our Greatest Glory is not in NEVER FALIING BUT RISING EVERY TIME WE FALL"... So today walking into the station I had 2 bags, talking on my phone, and a venti red eye from starbucks... so i get into the station and am walking up to my room to put my stuff down... haha i didnt lift my boot high enough and I tripped.... here is where the ninja training comes in... yes I fell BUT I was able to level out my coffee and slide it along the floor so it didnt spill... hahahaha flippin' awesome...

Ok Kent- I am still there... Just look on Modern Warfare- THE DESTROYER lives in your heart hahaha... Kent for real you got this dog- I mean we work about the same amount of hours you got the time put in the work... Don't make me come up there and go mma on your butt (i know 3 moves hahaha)

To all others this is a process its a journey- a mission if you will but its not flying over an area and droppin bombs and running out no, its a 15 round rocky fight... its the type of mission where you re dropped in behind enemy lines you run you hide maybe you go under cover maybe your missions takes weeks, maybe months who know but the reward is in the work... the reward isnt just the end result of beating the bad guy its everything you did to get there... Keep fighting y'all no one is where they want to be were all in this together... Press on like Paul In Philippians.... Press on towards the goal...

Peace Out
NINJA IV here I come

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


The first week was great. I was riding the high of getting back into a routine, my personal trainer was here...etc. Now that I have other stuff going on, Jeff is gone, I'm a little sleep deprived it's much harder to work out.

Let's go Andrew, Tito, and Mike! I thought we were gonna be the most fit house in Morgantown??? Actually Andrew and I did Yoga the other day. That was hilarious. It coulda made AFV I think.

I'm going to lift legs, back, bi's tonight and then go play basketball so I'm getting back into the routine tonight.

And Cook, maybe getting the last little bit of your nose cut off will help you with a significant portion of your weight loss goal!!!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

What a bust!

I've been at this for a week and 2 days now and I'm still fat! What a bust! I should be fit by now, right? LOL

I have made some major discoveries in the last 4 to 5 years of my life though, in regards to health, fitness, and physique.
1. After the age of 26, none of the 3 items listed above will retain takes work.
2. In the lifting world, the progress that takes you 3 years of intensive, painful, and literal back breaking work to gain, can be completely lost in 3 months. 3 years vs. 3 months -- It's a losing propostion.
3. Running sucks after you've gained weight ...seriously, I'm going to start wearing my wifes pregnancy belt to keep my "float ring" from bouncing so bad! :)
4. ...and finally, even with all above stated truths, there is an extremely gratifying level of satisfaction at the end of each workout.

There has been no trash talking as of late, so again, I feel it's my obligation to do so. my friend, are a machine. You listed 3+ hours of workouts for a single day! I never cease to be amazed. I didn't see you do 3 total hours of homework in your entire college career! you have all the skills necessary to be a ninja, save one -- you are too loud to be a ninja, your enemies will surely hear you coming.

It should be understood for those that don't know...I (being totally not fit), just trash talked to the MOST fit person of this grouping :) , on a fitness blog...only because he can handle it. Love ya Buddy, and I'm proud of you! ;) I expect something good in return for this bit of "trashing."

Back At It

This morning 30 min of Flex Yoga

Plan for the rest of the day:
Kick Boxing 5-6
BJJ (Brazilian Ju Jitsu) 6-730p
Hypertrophy WK1 D1 After that

Peace Out

Monday, January 11, 2010

Station Life

Word my Hommies... Ok Mur thanks for the recipe looks awesome... So Station life I'm up in this joint for 24h and can't leave- although there is a gym here so for a meat head like me it works out... no pun intended ha get it works out haha...

Check it today was my off day So I decided to create yet another version of my Ninja workout... Ninja 3 was born tonight... The work out took about an hour and involved plyos, yoga, pilates, core work, cardio, power endurance aspects, impulse training, balance and functional training, anaerobic conditioning and aerobic conditioning as well... For those familiar with Ninja 2 (McBrizzle, Dead Spyter, and Mali-Mailay) its similar but vastly different- 4 rds is about all I had in me tonight and that took 1hr and my running was all uphill at I believe a 6:54 pace and I ran 1.16 miles... It was good for an off day I think...

Alright I think this is amazing for everyone but remember our body's will fail and fade but our spritual well being and health will endure forever... I encourage everyone to not only make this a physical journey but also and more so a spritual journey and renewal... A lot of the principles that will substain you and drive you and motavate you through this challenege is echoed and mirrored in our Faith...

Psalm 33:16-20

Peace Out

Im In

Yo Yo Yo... I miss Motown already- Ok im signed in my goals are:

Increase my Ninjability
Run a sub 22min 5K
Maintain current weight
Drop %3.6578953 (repeating of course) bodyfat
Maximize my weight to strength ratio

Ha another goal will be to post on here every time I work out ha also check it out I run with Nike Plus so all my runs are updated on my facebook...

Peace Out

Psalm 144:1&2


Ok, let's get in gear. Studies have shown that if you workout on Monday, you are more likely to continue for the rest of the week. Let's make exercise and healthy eating a habit. Let's go team, AND BREAK!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

When i run, i feel God's pleasure

Chariots of Fire, anyone?

My 6 month goal is to run a 5k in under 18 minutes. We can do this. Ya'll are awesome!

GOALS for MUR and recipe


So here is my update: Jan. 4th Adam and I took our pics and Adam had a few laughs because I was trying to instruct him to take his pic like the "before photos" you see in magazines and on TV. Like with your belly all pushed out, your hair messed up and no smile whatsoever so that our transformation would look better! In the end he convinced me to do them the "right way"! HA :)

We went to the gym and got a baseline on a few things we wanted to set goals with this past week. I ran a 5K as hard as I could and it was not a pretty sight! Adam is going to log in later to let you know his goals. But for now here are mine (not sure but I may add something later):

1. Run a 5K in less than 23 minutes
2. Tone my Abdominals
3. Bench press 105#

Also saw Taras message about the healthy recipes sooooo Being a Dietitian and all I am going to randomly post healthy recipes for the peeps trying to eat healthier!!!!!
So here is the first one (It is one of my favs!):
Barbecue chicken Pizza
1 (14 oz.) pizza crust (you can usually find these near the spaghetti sauces and pasta)
cooking spray (prefer olive oil)
2 cups chopped cooked chicken (you can cook your own or buy the precooked chicken)
2/3 cup spicey barbecue sauce
1/3 cup slivered red onion
2 tablespoons fresh cilantro (optional)
1 cup (4 oz) shredded part-skim mozzarella cheese
(I like to sautee the onions with sliced mushrooms (~1/2 cup) before and then add on pizza once carmelized)- (You don't have to include mushrooms if you are not a fan AKA Kent)

1. Preheat oven to 400 degress or read the back of pizza crust for temp.
2. place pizza crust on ungreased baking sheet and lightly coat crust with olive oil
3. combine chicken with 1/3 cups barbeque sauce ina small bowel. Spread remaining 1/3 cup pf barbeque sauce evenly over pizza crust, leaving a one inch border. Top crust evenly with chicken mixture and remaining ingredients.
4. slide pizza directly onto oven rack. Bake at (temp. on back of pizza crust) ~10-12 minutes or until crust is crisp and cheese is melted. slide pizza from oven rack back onto pan using spatula. Cut into 8 slices and serve
ENJOY!!! :)

Let's get some more goals up there!!

Hey everyone! There are still a few of you that haven't put your goals up here yet, I just want to encourage you do to that and to make them as specific and measurable as possible. Here is a recap so far:


· Kent – 9.5% body fat. ½ marathon in 1:45

· Sarah – 17.5% body fat

· Cook – 12% body fat. Lose 20-25 pounds

· Tito – get a bit ripped up and lose weight

· Jamie – see abs, get super fit, run marathon, rid of double chin

· Tara – lose 12 pounds

· Mom – lose 20 pounds, no cigs after January 18th, august tri in Motown

· Erin – drop one size, and hopefully 15 pounds

· Ashley – 135 by march 15th, 5k in march and april, 10k in may and june, no soda, limit sugar

· Spencer – more intentional with eating/exercising habits, body fat drop a few points

· Bethanie – find abs, eat better, work out twice a week.

· Chunky – drop 10 pounds and a few butt sizes, better right hook

· Judd – drop weight between 165 and 170, run a 5k

· Mike – nothing yet

· Minchau – nothing yet

· Post partem – nothing yet

· Inittowinit – nothing yet

· Pat – nothing yet

and there are a couple more people left to join. Get on the bandwagon!!!

First week went pretty well. Sore and tired. I had my trainer Jeff Giosi come in for a few days and jump start this thing. That was regrettable. Tito, Andrew, and I almost puked yesterday!!

Here's what Andrew almost puked up -

Til next time!!

Friday, January 8, 2010

Supportive pets

I just did floor barre. My boys were on the floor snuggling with me and the girl was knocking things off onto my head. I forgot how difficult ballet is.

This Week

This week has been a total failure. The one time I tried to make it to the gym, I forgot my shoes. I have eaten an ice cream sundae for dinner and haven't worked out at all. I am craving sweets, which I rarely ever do. I find this all amusing because I have been doing really well for the last couple of months. Once I declare that I am going to get into shape, I fail. Well, I am going to work out tonight at home. I am still snowed in. I am going to fight the urge for sweets, and start anew.

I'm so hungry!!!! this first week is almost over...and I'm tired, sore, and hungry.....and I don't feel like there's been much of a change...haha...I know its been a week but I've done P90X everyday and ran every day with the exception of today...I've eaten about the healthiest I've ever eaten this week, but constatly craving food even though I'm eating 5 times a day, but esp when I go out to eat with the co-workers who eat a baconator with fries right in front of dare them...while I'm chopping on my grilled chicken sandwhich... and we have Yan dogs in the office with chic-fa-let brownies!!!! Anyway, I know this is going to be a life long change and it will probably be a few months before I notice any real changes so as Tony says, I'll just keep pushing play...keep pushing up...and you can do anything for 30 seconds...and do your best and forget the rest!!! hope everyone else has had a great week!!!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Sir...Please put down the cheeseburger!

Alright...I know I'm a bit late, but as I just got back from Atlanta, I'm ready to get this goin! I've been wanting to get in shape for quite a long time...and I've made a bit of progress since graduating college at a pleasantly plump 220. Unfortunately, that plump 220 got me rated in my life insurance for cholesterol. It was bad. Over the last 3 years, I have managed to get down to between 180 and 185...depending on the day. The biggest factor in this drop has been the fact that I no longer eat burgers and fries for 2 meals a day followed by half a case of beer a night. In this McFattie's Challenge, I'd really like to see is myself healthy again. are the goals:

1. Drop down to my target weight of between 165 and 170
2. Run a 5k

One thing is for certain in all of is going to suck. But you've got to work hard for something worthwhile, right? we go!

4:45 am...

My old tried and true, trusty, rusty, worn-into-the-shape-of-my-feet, perfect gym shoes have given me blisters on my feet. THAT'S how long it's been since I've done any form of cardio! Well now...isn't that just humbling.

I have managed to get up at 4:45 to go the gym before work. That's my only time to do such. Now that I have a son and family, I will NOT give up my evening home time with him -- therebye explaining how I got into this unshapely mess I'm in. So...4:45am it is.

Anybody else in this group have to go to the gym 2 hours before the sun comes up? It was actually fun to get back in there, and surprisingly a few of my old "gym friends" were still there, still coming in every day at that time. (that 5:00-6:30am time block is when I went for 6 months after my son was born, before I temporarily gave up lifting). I was impressed to see those guys and gals still at it more than a year and a half later. They looked good -- gave me a little extra motivation, knowing I used to be in their shoes (ones that DON'T give blisters because it's been so long since you've worn them).

Kent and Sarah...the bodpod pics were great! I have no idea what that thing is, but it was great none-the-less. I'd be afraid of slowly turning into a fly.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

tardy for the party...

so i know that i'm entering this blog a few days behind, but i'm joining now because i'm more than a few hundred days behind on reaching my fitness goals.... I EAT BECAUSE I'M UNHAPPY, AND I'M UNHAPPY BECAUSE I EAT....with that being said, i've reached a point where i'm beginning to feel the effects of my unhealthy behavior. for a year now i've not even been regularly meeting the standard recommendations for physical activity(FAIL)...and if i'm not making the effort now at 22, it makes me wonder how i could eventually end up. sooo, i'm ready to "exerciiiiise the demons" and get this thing started.
my goals are pretty simple... get back to my fightin' weight, shedding at least 10 lbs, droppin' a few butt sizes in the process, and coming out of this able to throw a sweet right hook...

Good Perspective

A good friend of mine asked me to train her, and train with her, to do a 5k in March. I happily agreed since I love training and I love my friend and want to see her get healthy. Just for the record, she is hardcore and is very motivated.

Sunday was the start day. It was 17 degrees outside, with a windchill of -1. I was happy to stay home or, perhaps, go to the YMCA. No, no, she wanted to run outside. At the track. In an hour. We walked the mile to IUP's track, ran the mile in 11:30 minutes, and walked the mile back home. I was so proud of her! She hasn't ran in eight years.

My friend has a baby just three weeks older than Benjamin. We've shared a lot of experiences and adventures together. Being new momma's, it was nice to have each other in all the newness and scariness and craziness of having a newborn baby! Since we're together a lot, we share a lot - and not just sippy cups and diapers. We also share a lot of the struggles of being women - being, wives, mommas and friends.

I have never been the thin friend. I have never been the one who was in better shape, or healthier, or smaller. When my friend tells me that I'm "thin", I just shrug it off. Really, though, I am the thin friend. What a good perspective change for me. What a good reminder, not to be cocky or proud. This change is good to remind me that I was there once. Three and a half years ago, I weighed 180 pounds.

I've made it this far. I started my journey several years ago to be healthy, to change my life and prepare for the future God had planned for me. So much has changed, but I'm still working hard to remember that all of my work is to be healthy, to bring glory to God and to remember that my body is His temple!

My body may have a different shape, but I'm the "thin" friend and that's so surreal to me. I'm so blessed to have a good reminder by my side - not to compare myself to, but to encourage me, to motivate me. I encourage you all to find a good reminder.

Why are you doing this? And Who are you doing this for? Find something in your life that's a good reminder and remember it! Getting healthy, setting and achieving goals, isn't an overnight trip. This is just the beginning of something new! I'm so glad we're all doing this together!

Monday, January 4, 2010

Someone forgot to write in all of those baby books and websites I read that pre-prego weight is NOT equal to pre-prego body....hello abs--are you iiinnnn there????

Three goals:
1) find the abs again that were just recently covered up by the 45 lbs of Henley
2) eat better (which is a big change from our eating out and food from a box or can--this is going to be a toughie :)
3) work out twice a week...maybe I can add to it as we progress

D Day

Well it was an eventful first day of MFC 2010. It began by Kent and I going to the Health Science Center's Health Performance Lab. There we were measured, weighed, and made the maiden voyage into the BODPOD.

Interesting as it was... we attained our preliminary numbers thus the basis of our goal:

Kent: 13.3 % body fat, 181.6 lbs

Sarah: 21.2 % body fat, 108.1 lbs

THEREFORE our goals for this miraculous journey include but are not limited to:

Kent: 9.5 % body fat, run a 1/2 marathon under 1 hr 45 min

Sarah: 17.5 % body fat, (honestly I don't have a second one but I'll work on it and perhaps reassess)

Here we go Fatties!!
I went to the Rec Center today and got my official weight and body fat percentage. My goal is to be more intentional with my eating and exercising habits (more running/push-ups/sit-ups, less soda/sugar/grease). I want this six month challenge to set the stage for a healthy lifestyle change so I will be a good example for Henley, and so I can spend a few extra years with him. In the process, I hope to watch my body fat percentage drop a few points. My only concern is that I will get so tone and fit that Bethanie will not be able to resist me, and we will end up with 5 or 6 more little Henley's... just kidding, let's do this thing!
So day one sucked....tara and I took our pictures and I found out that for a camera...each megapixel you have adds ten pounds....and tara's camera has ten enough said...did get in a healthy day of eating...ran 4 miles in the snow and tara and I did P90X chest and off to a good start I guess!!! hope everyone had a great day!!!

Goal post

I must say, 2009 was one of my favorite years of my life so far. And 2008 was up there on the list, too. At this rate, 2010 is going to be pretty awesome. With an all-star line up of things that I want to do or have to look forward to, let's just seal the deal with a good ole "goal post".

I am a very goal oriented person - mostly when it comes to health. I enjoy the challenge and the training. I enjoy the pain of my muscles hurting and not being able to move after a good, long run. I enjoy cooking well and finding new recipes. However, I really enjoy chocolate cake with homemade frosting (can I get an amen on that, please?). So my goal isn't to completely remove all not-good-for-you treats from my diet, rather to really embrace the saying, "Everything is good for you in moderation". I just need the motivation and accountability to do it. :)

Here are my goals:
*To get back to my pre-baby weight of 135 by March 14th. This means that I need to lose roughly 6 pounds. Ideally, I could get down to 133 - which is where I was before Europe. Yes, I gained two pounds while we were in Europe for two weeks. It was completely worth it and I look forward to doing it again in May.
*I've already signed up for a 5k on March 27th with a friend who wants to get back into running. So that will kick off my racing goals. A 5k in March, 5k in April, 5k or 10k in May, 10k in June. And just for good measure, here are my goals past McFattie's time line: Three to four races over the summer and if I'm not pregnant, I want to do the Spirit of Pittsburgh Half marathon again in November.
*No soda.
*Minimal sugary goodness. This means reducing my baking, which is terrible news for my sanity (but not for my waistline).

I'm ready. Bring it on 2010.

Seriously, who's idea was this?!?!

It's only 9:00 on Monday and I'm already mad about this whole idea! LOL

I spent the weekend with family back in WV and I ate my Mom's prized Reeses Cake all weekend...yes, I wrote that correctly -- Reeses Cake. There is no explanation needed, it's possibly the best thing on the planet. So, I ate nearly all of it in the spirit of knowing that I can't eat it beginning today.

I myself am a workout kind of guy...I hate the thought of eating healthy. That's my challenge. The working out portion, is enjoyable to me. The healthy eating will be a serious test -- have I mentioned I LOVE food.

I did take the proverbial "before" pictures. Wow. That was humbling to say the least. The mirror is vastly different than the camera. Apparently my camera is broken, because it makes my belly look big. :)

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Last dinner??

Anyone have any great unhealthy last dinners?? Sarah and I had cheese pie and cupcakes...Tomorrow is the big weigh-in and fitness test. I will also have a ceremonial burning of the junk food in the house. Our goals will be posted tomorrow night....Stay tuned!

Don't forget to put your goals up so we all know! Try to be as specific as possible...
I have already been working out, but it is good to have goals and motivation. I am such a perfectionist I need to have A goal that I know I can attain. So here it is, drop a size by June. Two sizes would be even better. My challenge goal is to lose 15 lbs. It is a big challenge for me since I tend to lose inches, but the scale hardly budges. Good luck to everyone and happy new year.

Saturday, January 2, 2010


It's getting late and I should stop now but I'm on a roll!! I also have a goal to train for the Aug. triathlon in M'town. I hope all you fit people will join me!

Wanted: 1 sleek mother of the groom :)

This sounded much better at Christmas than it does today :) Well, when one is overweight, smokes, doesn't eat right, and has forgotten the meaning of exercise this ought to be a snap!! :) No place to go but up (or out!). O.K. I should know better than to commit to this but for some reason, a wedding perhaps?.....(he,he,he :) ) , I'm IN.
Goal 1: Lose 20 pounds by June 19th.
Goal 2: Start Chantix on Monday, the 4th
Lose the cigs by Monday, the 18th
and that's all folks.......Good Luck!!!!!
I'm hoping that the fact that Biggest Loser starts this week will add to the motivation that I already have from stuffing my face all this week and feeling disgusting. I'm definitely ready to get in better shape. I have a weight goal in my head that I don't think I'm ready to post here because a) then you would know how much I weigh and b) then you would know how much I weigh ;). Suffice it to say that I want to lose at least 10 lbs. There is also a certain pair of skinny jeans that I would like to fit back into (preferably comfortably). One big challenge for me is going to be my hectic schedule so I'm hoping to do most of my workouts at home. The other challenge is that I love food...ha. I did already do some meal planning and grocery shopping for some healthy meals for next week but if anyone has any healthy recipes they would like to share that would be great!
Ok...not sure what my goals should be but here are some things I would see my abs super fit....planning on running a marathon in Nov....get rid of my double chin....maybe another race in there somewhere...and that's all I can think of for now!!! super excited and scared of Monday the 4th!!! all i can say is BRING IT!!!!!